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Meditation & Connection Retreat

Fri-Sun, August 13-15

The Offering

Retreats are often peak experiences that we remember for the rest of our lives…

When experiences help us feel more centered and alive, we may ask: how do I feel this way all the time? Our Meditation & Connection Retreat offers a balanced schedule of practices that you can integrate into your daily and weekly life. We balance mindfulness, embodiment and connection in all of our shared practices, including meditation, yoga, circling, dance, free time and vegan meals. We also build community, continuing our connection with each other on a weekly basis in Los Angeles.

We teach Circling, a communication tool that brings mindfulness and embodiment to connection. Circling helps us to stay present with our body sensations while heightening our awareness of ourselves and others. With this awareness, we create more authentic connections, have space to share more of ourselves, and leave freedom for others to express their genuine experience. Through meditation, we connect to ourselves by witnessing our thought patterns and listening to our body sensations. Yoga and dance help us to connect directly with our bodies through movement. The combination of these practices creates balance and equilibrium that help you thrive in your daily life.

The Big Bear House

At the start of every circle, we ask participants to check in with themselves to sense where they are, and return to their center. This way, we can be with each other better by distinguishing our own experience from another’s. By circling closer to nature, we more easily return to center by grounding into the elements around us.

 Our Big Bear house feels cozy and accommodating, with a newly installed hot tub! The circling space is soft and comfy. There is an outdoor deck for yoga, meditation and relaxing with the sounds of nature. Rooms will be shared with quiet areas designated for sleep and serenity. Couples may be granted private rooms.

What is Circling?

Circling is a communication art that creates deeper connection.

Circling is the practice of discovering and training mindful ways of relating with others. The practice is done with others in pairs, small groups, and large groups. We practice directly the art of seeing and being seen in relationship for who we are without needing to earn attention or be any different than we are in this moment. We come into direct contact with the dynamics that underlie relationships and use this rich interpersonal space to glean relational blind spots, freedom, and healing. Often by dropping our views and slipping deeper into the immediate experience of relationships, a doorway to a world beyond words opens, offering a taste of transcendence.

Circling is also a wonderful way to integrate and bring our mindfulness practice off of the cushion into everyday relationships. Rather than falling back into small talk or habitual ways of relating, we can identify, name, and explore what’s present right here in connection. As a practice, the more we circle, the more we learn how to bring this same level of presence and connection to all of our daily relationships such as your friends, family, partners, and clients, and inspire others to join you.

Lonnieka A. says:

Lonnieka A. says:

“The language of circling actually allows all participants to express their observations/needs/wants in an honest, raw & loving way. I struggle with asking people questions because I’ve always felt like I don’t want to say the wrong thing, and I feel circling has given me templates to implement caring, truthful dialogue.”

Cam L. says:

Cam L. says:

The circles were profoundly deep & worthwhile. I came out of each one feeling connected & validated in my human experience.”

Cheyenne S. says:

Cheyenne S. says:

“My experience was beautiful to say the least. Authentic relating with circling proves to be a powerful & necessary part of my healing.”

Alicia Y. says:

Alicia Y. says:

I experienced a lot of growth around things that I had been working on for over a year, including practicing authenticity, finding my voice, and speaking my truth…It was the perfect container to propel me and support my process.”


The next retreat begins soon. Are you ready to expand our communication arts together?










4pm: Arrival

5pm: Open to Connection

6pm: Embodied Introduction to Circling 

7pm: Dinner

8:30pm: Circling Principles & Circle

10pm: Chill & Sleep



7am: Wake Up

7:30am: Morning Meditation

8:15am: Yoga

9:30am: Breakfast 

10:30am: Birthday Circles

12:30pm: Guided Meditation / Q&A

1:30pm: Lunch

2:30pm: Free Time

  • Hike
  • Hang at Cabin
  • Jacuzzi

4:30pm: Organic Circle

6:30pm: Dinner

8pm: Ecstatic Dance (optional)

9:30pm: Chill & Sleep



7am: Wake Up

7:30am: Morning Meditation

8:15am: Yoga

9:30am: Breakfast 

10:30am: Birthday Circles

12:30pm: Guided Meditation / Q&A

1:30pm: Lunch

2:30pm: Free Time

4:30pm: Organic Circle

6:30pm: Closing Dinner

8pm: Dance & Goodbyes

(option to spend the night)

What We Provide

Fresh, Homemade Vegan Meals
Authentic Relating Games
Circling Classes
Guided Meditation / Q & A

Yoga Classes
Ecstatic Dance

Nature Hike
House & Accomodations
Free Time to Connect with Nature and Others

What You Bring

meditation cushion (if you have one)
yoga mat
bath towel
bathing suit
clothes – warm, cool, and comfy
water bottle or camelbak (for hike, etc)
any special food/snacks (if needed)


Email us below with any questions or to RSVP.

6 + 4 =